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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 16, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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has been difficult to resolve. and left in a ditch. the crime the police say one teenagers committed that left people shocked. complete bay area news coverage, starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening. it is friday, november 16th, i'm gasia mikaelian, this is bay area news at 7:00. tonight, we begin on storm watch as the latest band of wet weather is moving into the bay area at this hour. all day now we have seen slick roads blamed for a number of fender benders and a lot of slow traffic on this friday evening. we are looking ahead to more rain in the next 24 hours or so daley city people are assuring residents that their neighborhood is safe. on tuesday you will remember a water main break above the park released 98,000 gallons of the water from a reservoir, swamping the street and cars
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with mud. the public works crews say that workers that stabilize the hillside and don't expect problems. they say they will monitor the situation all weekend just in case. earlier our news crew got shots of heavy rain happening in the south bay. one runner was not letting the downpour get in the way of her workout. for a look at the conditions right now, we go to mark tamayo in the weather center, mark? >> reporter: for the past couple of days we have been talking about a couple of storms, some areas not picking up much rain but it has not picked up in a few other areas. here is a live look. notice, san francisco covered right now with the darker shades of green, indicating moderate downpours, shifting the maps out to the pacific. you will notice the more activity. here we go. more rain, around the area. up in the north bay, moderate rain reports up in the santa rosa area. and reports of a few light showers, spotty sprinkles around. but the south bay not much to show you here with chowd cover
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out there, but -- cloud cover out there. we have rain showers focused in the bay area. coming up we will break down the tile line. and the timing of a second storm that does move in for part of your weekend. >> thank you, mark. some ski resorts are open for business this weekend. ahead in 16 minutes we will take you up the mountain for a look at current conditions. now, continuing coverage of the arrest of a san francisco sheriff's deputy on suspicion of bank robbery. a story we first broke on ktvu channel 2 news at noon. sanfrancisco police say they arrested 36-year-old phillip chung tong this morning as he arrived to work at the san francisco jail. he is held in lou of 150,000 bail. the authorities suspect he robbed a bank of america branch in the san fran richmond district. we learned that he once co owned a gunshot before filing for bankruptcy in july. and that the deputy owed $700,000 in debt. the investigators have arrested a -- the investigators have arrested a fellow officer and
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his wife for scamming an elderly man. the 36-year-old man and his wife were accused of abusing an 82-year-old pleasant man. the two put the man's entire estate of a trust account only they can access. he is a former police commander. he was arrested on theft charges. a teenager is in custody accused of a shocking string of crimes. the police say he kidnapped and assaulted a woman and left her to die. the victim was found on hidden brook parkway after the police say she was abducted from a shopping center on plaza drive about five miles away. that is also where the police eventually discovered the suspect. >> the lieutenant called it a violent attack. >> it was resolved quickly. the arrest was made within hours. great deal of the evidence was collected within hours. >> the 65-year-old woman abducted last night survived. she explained to the mess her
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kidnapper held her at gunpoint forcing her from a parking lot at 4:00 in the evening. the police say after she was taken the woman was forced to drive here at hidden brook parkway and i-80. she was physically and sex isly assaulted and left in a nearby ditch. passers -- sexually assaulted and left in a nearby ditch. passers by noticed her. during the kidnapping the victim's family received a ransom call. what the teen did next led to his own arrest. the 14-year-old returned to the place where he allegedly abducted the 65-year-old woman. the police found him with duct tape, fake gun and the victim's vehicle. >> this is not usually such a wide gap in age between victims and suspects. any age is the wrong age to do something like that but at that age we don't expect most 14- year-olds to do something of that nature. >> reporter: it is the type of crime that these shoppers are looking over their shoulder.
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>> i don't feel scared or threatened, i am pretty surprised about what is going on lately. we come out here to the shops all of the time. we feel safe coming over here. >> i have not had any problems with anybody. >> it is sad. especially because it is our youth. our youth is our future. >> reporter: the da will decide to try the 14-year-old as an adult, back to you. oakland's most wanted fugitive is wanted behind bars tonight -- is behind bars tonight. they have been searching for him for two months, wanted for gang-related shootings. last night an officer was celebrating his wife's birthday at ruth's chris steak house when he spotted him. he alerted the police and from san francisco and oakland were waiting to make the arrest when he he walked out. >> a southern california man is behind bars tonight after
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allegedly carrying bomb-making materials. the sheriff officials say the 49-year-old was headed for los angeles. screening agents noticed his watch had a toggle switch and circuit boards and he was wearing oversize boots. the deputies say the watch device could have been used to trigger a bomb. new at 7:00 tonight. the deadly contphreubgt in gaza between israeli forces and hamas -- conflict in gaza between israeli forces and hamas. we are live now with the passionate sides. >> reporter: gasia, because of what is happening half a world away there was a heated conversation here in front of the israeli consulate. >> reporter: hundreds of palestinians and supporters crowded the sidewalk on month
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to say their peace. >> each side blames the other. this man says he has family in gaza that is under israeli attack. >> my sister she just got married recently. talking to her husband she can hear the bombs land next to them. >> reporter: they kept them away from each other across the street. >> some palestinian supporters made their way to the israeli side where they were met with vocal opposition. hundreds of fired rocket attacks this year. >> and each one of those rocket attacks is a double war crime. first, because 100% of them are aimed at israeli civilians and the second thing they used palestinian civilians as human shields. >> reporter: this man says he
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served in the israeli military. >> from hamas being in power there is not going to be this way in the military. >> reporter: war of words, i want to tell you that that the protesters here supporting palestine are back and they have been trying to block traffic but the police came in and pushed them out of the way. live in san francisco, back to you. in the middle east rockets landed near israel's two largest cities today in the latest round of fighting with hamas militants. >> reporter: this was the scene in tel aviv. the officials say rockets fired from gaza did not reach land but fell into the sea [sirens] >> air raid sirens went off in jerusalem. rockets went off to the south of the city. no injuries reported. they are drafting reserve troops as the leaders consider waging a ground campaign. it left 45 people dead and
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two70 wounded since wednesday. gaza is suffering the largest human toll, the missiles pounded the gaza strip today. at least 23 pal stable conditionians, including six children, have been killed. the u.s. state department and the united -- palestinians, including six children, have been killed. the u.s. state department and the united states are talking. the coach says there are no restrictions on his activities, harbough had a surgery yesterday. >> it is amazing. the heart rate gets back to normal. so, it is -- it is great that they had that technology to get that done. but, the flutter is something that i have had for awhile. probably pretty close to all my life. >> we learned after the hospital procedure yesterday he went to the 9ers santa clara facility and watched an hour of
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practice. the rush is on to snatch up the last of the twinkies and ho- hos. the company announced they are going out of business. the shops were nearly bear this afternoon. -- bare this afternoon. they plan to go to bankruptcy court on monday. some of the individual brands may be sold and survive but some snacks could be gone forever. >> people are just getting what they can because we we will not be able to get it anymore and it is sad. >> the texas-based company says it had no other choice, 18,000 people are expected to lose their job, including 1800 here in california. former cia director, petraeus, was questioned. his affair takes backseat to a pressing issue. and a popular committee outside of a hotel, it is no laughing matter for the other
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person involved. the storm watch weather watch continues. the down downpour is coming in [ female announcer ] welcome one and all to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever you're craving. spend 25 dollars and a frozen safeway turkey is 59 cents a pound. or spend 25 dollars and get a fresh safeway select turkey for 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. [ traffic passing ] ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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the coast guard is fishing for two workers missing off of the coast of louisiana after an explosion and fire this morning. four other workers were burned in the crash. the crews sparked the fire when they cut through an oil line with a torch during routine maintenance by accident. the platform was not pumping oil at the time. the coast guard says the sheen on the water is from residual oil on the platform. no spill is reported. today, we are getting a new look at the flood damage from super storm sandy to a key commuter line. the port authority released
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this video of water gushing into a train station. you can see there, water gushing through the elevator and on the passenger areas. another part shows flooding in jersey city. service at both of those stations remain suspended nearly three weeks after that deadly storm. former cia director, david petraeus, appeared on capitol hill. but his affair took a backseat. what lawmakers looked from his account of what happened. >> reporter: david petraeus ended a week of speculation. it is now a political issue over when the barack obama administration knew what prompted the attack. spontainious reaction from a muslim video or terrorist. briefing lawmakers in september. now, impressions of the meeting are next.
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>> so much of this confusion a rises because of the difference between what is lastified and what is unclassified. >> he told us it was a terrorist attack. that the terrorists were involved from the start. i told him my questions i have a different rechraeugz of that. >> reporter: he says he had no development in the talking points used by rice. in early dis the embas door pointed to the film and pointed to the cause. >> if they are unclassified at an early stage. >> he wassad little about his affair. it had northing to do with the way he handled be nghazi. >> he was not under -- benghazi. he was not under oath while he
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testified. in washington, emily schmidt. jill kelly and her twin sister visited three times eating two courtesy meals at the white house cafeteria and getting a tour of an aid. it was a request for an investigation into a threatening e-mail that uncovered cia's marital affair. california unemployment rate stood at 10.1% compared to 10.2. down 1.5% from a year ago. the rate shows employers add just under 46,000 new jobs last month. 20,000 of the new jobbing were in resale. the unemployment number remained the same throughout our counties. none are in the double digits.
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they have the highest number,ala meadea comes in lower. >> president barack obama and say they are optimistic of falling of the fiscal cliff. they called the meeting constructive. they expect to find a way to stop the cuts that are set to kick in january 1st. >> what folks are looking for and awful us agree on this is action. they want to see we are focused on them, not focused on our politics here in washington. >> at a press conference after the meeting, the sauce speaker says increased is on the table. on wall street, investigator optimism about a deal helped with the stocks. that broke a 3-day losing streak as the dow gained 45. cat williams struck a man on a bottle on wednesday night
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and that man filed a lawsuit. the 18-year-old, davis, says williams and a bodyguard assaulted him after he was invited into william's rv. you are looking at video taken the night at the scene. williams has a show tonight. thcam piedian proet motor is >> mow word on the comedian's injuries. this is the sound of a party about to begin. squall valley opened its gates today. >> right there. >> reporter: two runs are up and running. >> it is wet and it is slushy but it is fun. pwefrt better than being at work. >> reporter: what does it look like. we have to talk to paul up the
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hill. >> reporter: early skiers have the mountains to themselves. there is more snow on the ground now than this was in mid- january last year. >> it is great. really fantastic to open early. a good sign of things to come and it is bringing additional visitors to the mountain and the area this weekend. >> reporter: not far away it is the dusting of snow did not beckon boarders the less than subtle sign lets everyone know they are open. >> as soon as it is snowing, let's go, okay. [ laughter ] >> yes. [ laughter ] >> okay. you don't have to ask me twice. >> reporter: they opened on halloween. resorts are hoping for a repeat of two years ago when the ski season lasted until the 4th of yell. >> i hope so. -- 4th of july. >> i hope so. that is great skiing on the 4th of july. >> the thanksgiving rush is underway. we saw long lines at the airport. officials say today is the busiest travel day of the thanksgiving holiday.
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estimated 140,000 passengers making a get away. overall, the airport expects to see 1.2 million travelers this holiday. that is up 3% from last year. the world's largest retailers breaking for work stoppage next week on black friday. workers at walmart plan a massive lockout to protest low wages. walmart is nonunion. it is organized by a union- backed coalition called "making change at walmart" some all right started walking off of the job in southern california. walmart has over one million employees. any way you look at it the new "twilight" film is a blockbuster. the heaviest haul brought in from last night's showing. mark tamayo is here with full details, ahead look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download.
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i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. reliability and ways to connect. (car horn) paying with your smartphone instead of cash...
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(phone rings) that's a step forward. with chase quickpay, you can send money directly to anyone's checking account. i guess he's a kicker... again, again! oh, no you don't! take a step forward and chase what matters. volunteers dressed up in costumes trying to help charities. the group is partnering with the whole foods mark oat 4th street. as people buy a turkey, the store will deliver it to the salvation army for them. you have been busy in the
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weather center tracking all of that rain. >> yes. tracking two storms. moderate downpours. heavier brown powers in marin county. close to san rafael. the rates have been picking up in the last few minutes, closer to magnolia around larksberg as well. sanoma county area, santa rosa. at last check, reporting light rain in this area, cover for a good portion of the region. sanfrancisco, one cell moving out. you will notice activity spreading across the east bay. heading out to the north. now, the result, the rainfall rates are diminishing in that part of the region. scattered rain showers. more activity in parts of the
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south bay closer to the santa cruz mountains and around morgan hill. so, that is a factor right now. the rainfall, moderate to heavy at times, the focus is in the northern half of the region. temperatures first thing in the morning, the main event with the first storm will be out of here. possibility of a few scattered showers first thing in the morning. once again, the wetter pat upper, storm number one, a warm one moving in right now. storm number 2. moving to the north and to the west. for tonight, rainfall will continue to be somewhat increased and moderate to heavier cells out there. so, we could have a few lingering morning showers out there. the rainfall rates will pick up by late saturday evening by saturday between 8:00 and 10:00. here is our forecast models, 10:00, showing you the wet forecast. and then, tomorrow morning, lingering rain showers, early at 5:00. notice this is at 8:00, the coverage, the deep freeze, setting for the break at the afternoon hours, here is the next storm, marching onshore. and the cold front, an
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organized front generating more moderate to heavy, steadiy rainfall on saturday night. a few lingering showers first thing monday morn -- steady rainfall on saturday night. a few lingering showers first thing monday morning. the second storm moves in tomorrow night. lingering showers monday. a few showers to the north bay on monday, gasia? >> mark, thank you. fans of "twilight" made the midnight series a blockbuster. theaters opened the doors. it brought in more than $30 million at the box office. that is better than any of the previous 4 "twilight" midnight openings. that is it for us. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news. tonight we are on storm watch. team coverage of the rain expected to move,the bay area between now and then. we are always here for you at
7:27 pm "tmz" is up next here on tv36.
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